I have wanted to start a blog for a very long time and have let too many minute things stop me. I've thought, "I can't create a blog now, I don't have a good name for it." Or, "I can't start posting yet, I need a better design." True, the design as of this date (8/18/2011) does kind of look like I'm hawking Massengil or something, but those are all totally lame excuses. Acceptable real excuses might include:
1) I have a 2-ton boulder sitting on my legs and I cannot reach my computer.
2) I am too busy filming my reality show about my collection of Barbie shoes.
3) I am currently living in Siberia and don't have a reliable internet connection.
4) I have nothing to say.
None of these things is true for me; therefore, here I am, sharing my first, albiet somewhat pointless, post. I actually have a whole list of ideas piling up of things I want to talk about. I love cooking, especially baking, so I'll definitely share a few posts on recipes I've tried. I'm a writer and marketer by profession (although since I'm not currently working I may have to give up my pro status for the time being), so expect an occasional rant on advertising I love or hate and the current sad state of our grammatical affairs. And I'm a mom and trophy wife, so I'm sure I'll have some funny little anecdotes about daily life.
So, where did "The Trophy Wife Life" come from? Well, I left my job a few months ago and decided to take some time off instead of rushing off to find more work. I've not had more than three weeks off of work since I graduated college (not counting maternity leave...glorious maternity leave). Between not working and having my daughter in school part time, it took some time to adjust to the extra free time. I was filling out some forms out one day and needed something to enter in the occupation box and well, I just wrote in "trophy wife." Sure, something like "stay at home mom" would have been fine, but I wanted something a little more fun than that. By the way, why is it that stay at home moms feel so defensive about it? When asked "what do you do?" some women seem to respond as if someone asking what they do with their time is a totally unacceptable question or as if raising children isn't a totally important job. I think about half of working moms would tell you they'd love to stay at home if the budget allowed. We should consider ourselves lucky!!
Okay, enough for now. This was a totally crappy post, but I needed to start somewhere and quit with the excuses. Expect more (and better!!) posts from me in the future and don't forget to click Follow so you can keep up with "The Trophy Wife Life!"
Hey! Welcome to blog land (not that I am any expert!) Excited to follow along!