Saturday, January 21, 2012

Exciting News!

Most of you have probably already heard this or read it on Facebook, but Eric and I are expecting again! We are due August 2.

Most people hear that and go, "Oh poor thing! An August due date!" And after last summer I'm a little worried, but honestly, I don't mind. What we didn't want was another November or December birthday in the family. The three of us have our birthdays within eight days of each other...November 17 (me), 21 (Lanna) and 25 (Eric), add Thanksgiving and some other family birthdays in during that time period and things are pretty crazy. So with that said, a July or August birthday sounds just fine to me. And if when it's hot, I'll just stay inside in the air conditioning.

We're all very excited. Lanna is especially excited about becoming a big sister and is telling everyone our big news. Everyone. Her preschool class knew very early along that Lanna's mommy had a baby in her belly and Lanna was going to help change its diapers and feed it cereal. In her defense, it was Christmastime and they were talking about Mary giving birth to Baby Jesus in the manger, so it really did fit into the conversation. She is also quite sure we are having a girl. Eric also calls the baby a girl most of the time, but I think that's just his way of not getting his hopes of having a boy too high. I honestly don't care if we have a boy or girl. As cliche as it sounds, what's better than a healthy baby?

I've been feeling...okay. I've had about the same amount of first trimester ickiness that I had the first time around, but with different symptoms. During my first pregnancy I had nausea every morning and a weak stomach all day long. Mealtimes were never about what food sounded good, but what food could I stomach. This time around, I've had no problem with food but I've been completely exhausted. Like, can't-peel-my-butt-off-the-couch for hours at a time exhausted. I guess the fact that I'm not working right now has been a blessing.

So, now you all know and I can start posting funny pregnancy related stuff on my blog. Hooray! No more secrets!

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